Annual Meeting

 The Annual Meeting of the Manitoba Horticultural Association is held in late January/early February each year and is held at various locations throughout Manitoba, with the convention site being chosen by delegates to the Annual Meeting after invitation is received from local societies/clubs.

The Annual Meeting delegate representation is determined on the basis of society/club membership:

Membership                                                                                    Delegate Entitlement

200 or less                                                                                                            2

201 to 400                                                                                                            3

401 to 600                                                                                                            4


It has been the practice of societies/clubs to pay delegates registration fees, etc.

The Annual Meeting program is planned by the Program Committee.  This committee is appointed annually by the Manitoba Horticultural Association Board.



The Annual Meeting is held in conjunction with the Annual Convention. You dont have to be a delegate to attend. They are open to the general public.

The Convention is hosted by one or more of the horticultural societies or garden clubs in their town or city.

MHA members from across the province attend the convention to learn and network with fellow gardeners. The MHA provides presentations from various speakers over a period of up to 2.5 days. The Host club sets the duration of the convention. In addition to educational speakers, we have a Banquet evening with entertainment and a live Auction of beautiful items donated from clubs across the province. The conventions are a lot of fun, so many interesting people to talk to and share ideas with.

There are convention reviews in our newsletters, please take the time to have a look and read all about them.